The Truthful Comics Podcast
Episode 19: "SDCC Recap"

Here we are once again, bringing you the latest in geek news. This time I'm joined by my brother in arms, my colleague and all around good guy Alvaro Cortez Ortiz Jr. We sat down this past weekend after a while of not having him on the show and we had plenty to talk about this time! We talked about everything from Steve Skroce coming back to comics, the upcoming and highly anticipated The Dark Knight Returns III with the All Star creative team of Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello, Andy Kubert and Klaus Janson, Rob Liefeld giving away free Deadpool sketches, Alvaro expresses his dismay on yet another Amazing Spider-Man #1, the lunacy of a Chewbacca solo series, Batman joining forces with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and tons more! We also talk about the recently announced 45 new Marvel titles out of 60 total, we talk about the creative teams on these books, our thoughts on them and which ones we'll be icing up. So, sit back, get your favorite beverage and enjoy the geeky goodness that is the Truthful Comics Podcast!
Episode 18: "Hipster Reality Check"

After a short hiatus the Truthful Comics Trinity is back! This time, since it's been so long since the three of us have been able to record together; we decided to record an "extra mega long" episode for all of our listeners that I hope you'll enjoy. There's a lot of things we talked about like: Miles Morales being THE Spider-Man for the all new Marvel Universe, Tom Holland being cast as Spider-Man, Spider-Man being confirmed for Captain America: Civil War, Hugh Jackman being confirmed for X-men Apocalypse, Ant-Man reviews coming in from overseas and a lot more. Our main discussion format changed for this episode and the reason being is that, since it's an extra long episode, instead of one main topic; why not three? Alvaro expressed his true feeling about Marvel's newest gimmick Spider-Gwen and how she's being pushed down our throats, we talked about Disney's marketing failures when it comes to their live action films such as The Lone Ranger, John Carter and Tomorrow Land, and last but not least; we have a reality check for the hipsters who like to boast that comics now are so much better than they were in the past, how the 90s was the worst era in comics blah, blah, blah, etc. This is a fun, very long episode that I'm sure you'll enjoy! So sit back, grab a comfy chair, grab your favorite drink and jump down the rabbit hole with us. Enjoy!
Episode 17: "I Don't Read Archie Comics!"

After a short delay we're back to bring you a new installment of the Truthful Comics Podcast... better late than never as they say. This time I'm joined by my partner in crime, Mr. Corey "Rocbottom" Davis! On this episode we sit down to discuss Marvel's infatuation with gender bending, their latest trend of sexual orientation changing and all around horrendous writing. Also, we discuss Archie Comics's Kickstarter campaign debacle, The Punisher casting for the second season of Daredevil and as always; insanity ensues! So, sit back, relax and listen to the geeky goodness that is The Truthful Comics Podcast! #Archie #ThePunisher #Daredevil #MarvelComics #Thor #Wolverine #gimmicks
P.S. I absolutely don't read Archie Comics! ;D
P.S. I absolutely don't read Archie Comics! ;D
Episode 16: "The Never Ending dc faboys vs marvel zombies War"

After a few weeks hiatus we're back with an all new episode of the Truthful Comics Podcast! Thus time we discuss the never-ending battle between DC fanboys and Marvel Zombies and how they affect the overall view of geeks in the eyes of the masses. We also discuss how these individuals prevent potential new readers from coming into the hobby and we share some anecdotes and recent encounters with such mouth breathers that encouraged us to talk about this. Of course, that's not all we talk about, there's much more in this episode! So sit back, relax and enjoy a brand new podcast free for your consumption. As always, leave your comments below cause' we'd love to hear from you and we might read your comments on the next episode. Keep it Truthful! #TruthfulComics #TruthfulComicsPodcast #podcasting #dcfanboys #marvelzombies #comics
Episode 15: "Merry Geekdom's Christmas!"

Here we are once again, the Truthful Trinity is back to create chaos and entertain you along the way. On this episode we talk about our experience this Free Comic Book Day, or as I like to call it; geekdom's Christmas day! Also, Alvaro lays the law on why he enjoyed the Batman: Endgame's finale and how it measures up to what Snyder and Capullo had been building up to this point and we can expect in the future. We also talk about what we feel about the upcoming Suicide Squad movie, Batman appearing in Suicide Squad and how it ties up with Batman v Superman and we share our excitement and worries about Batman v Superman. On top of that we talk about Kate Mara's reaction to all the negativity the new FF movie had going for it, Greg Berlanti confirms that Vibe is coming, Ryan Phillipe is in talks with Marvel/Netflix to possibly play Iron Fist and we discuss the last Agents of SHIELD episode and how it ties directly into Avengers: Age of Ultron. And last but not least, we go in depth on what we thought about Avengers: Age of Ultron and what lies ahead of the Marvel Cinematic universe. There's plenty geeky goodness on this episode to sustain you the rest of the week! So sit back, relax and enjoy! As always, we really want to hear your feedback. Thanks for listening. #TruthfulComicsPodcast #Batman #Endgame #BatmanvSuperman #SuicideSquad #TheFlash #AgentsOfSHIELD #Marvel #Netflix #Fant4sticFour #IronFist #Avengers #AvengersAgeOfUltron #AgeOfUltron #podcasting
Episode 14: "Tattooed Joker Scare"

The Truthful Comics Trinity is back to give you a brand new episode of the Truthful Comics Podcast! This time we discuss: Frank Miller writing another sequel for Dark Knight Returns, Hasbro/IDW to launch an all female Transformers book, Iceman being gay, new upcoming Lando Calrrisian series, Daredevil Season 2 confirmed, Jared Leto's Joker and so much more! So sit back and enjoy the geeky goodness that is The Truthful Comics Podcast! #TheJoker #FrankMiller #Hasbro #JaredLeto #DaredevilSeason2 #LandoCalrissian #StarWars #AvengersAgeOfUltron #Iceman #gay #Marvel
Episode 13: "The Lucky Number 13"

Here we go again! The Truthful Comics Podcast episode #13 is here for your enjoyment. On this episode we go in depth into the new released Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer, the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer, the second Fantastic Four trailer, Netflix's Daredevil, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD and much more! So sit back, relax and enjoy the geeky and truthful goodness that is the Truthful Comics Podcast! #StarWarsTheForceAwakens #BatmanvSupermanDawnOfJustice #Fant4sticFour #Marvel #Daredevil #Rebels #TruthfulComicsPodcast
PS. Don't forget to stay after the credits. :)
PS. Don't forget to stay after the credits. :)
Episode 12: "The Devastation of Internet Crybabies"

Here we are back again with a new installment of the Truthful Comics Podcast. The Truthful Comics Trinity sit down and discuss the hottest topics in geek and pop culture and we shed some truth in the newest saga of the faux outrage by the usual suspects and we utterly destroy a youngling who thinks he can disrespect a legend in the field. There were some technical difficulties throughout the recording as if a certain group was trying to stop us from achieving our goal, but we overcame and the result was equivalent to a nuclear devastation the likes of which the world has never seen before. On this episode we discuss the new Daredevil tv show, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Caity Lotz being a part of the Flash/Arrow spin-off series, Jared Leto "Killing Joke" homage, Kevin Feige talks Spider-Man and of course... we go in on Robbie Rodriguez' (Who?) attack on comic book legends Frank Cho and J. Scott Campbell as well as fan art in general. We feasted on the the flesh of an overhyped artist with delusions of grandeur and drank the tears of crybabies and fake feminists throughout this great country of ours. So sit back, relax and enjoy the geeky and truthful goodness that is the Truthful Comics Podcast... if you dare! #CrybabyPowersActivate #TruthfulComicsPodcast #Arrow #TheAvengers #FrankCho #ApesAndBabes #SpiderGwen #AgentsOfSHIELD #Netflix #Daredevil #Marvel #TheHulk #XMenAgeOfApocalypse
Episode 11: "Geeks Are Everywhere!"

Here we go again! We're over the hump that episode #10 represented for our buddy Manuel and now we can look forward to the future, starting with episode #11! On this episode the Truthful Comics Trinity is complete once again and they didn't disappoint. Among the topics discussed on the podcast are a treasure trove of old toys found at an abandoned toy store, Eminem comments on his longtime love for comic books, the record breaking finale of The Walking Dead finale, Steven Amell being cast as Casey Jones and so much more! So sit back, relax and enjoy the geeky goodness that is the Truthful Comics Podcast. #Eminem #Marvel #VintageToys #geeks #TheWalkingDead #AMC #TMNT2 #StevenAmell #TruthfulComicsPodcast
PS: As always, it's a good idea to stay after the credits. ;D
PS: As always, it's a good idea to stay after the credits. ;D
Episode 10: "The Last Episode"

It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that this will be our last installment of the Truthful Comics Podcast. This is our tenth and final episode and we made sure to cover all the bases on this one. The reason we're stopping the podcast is because a group of extreme feminists are attacking our character and demanding we stop podcasting and spreading our chauvinistic and idiotic point of view so we're caving in to the preassure. Once again the trinity is complete as the idiotic, chauvinistic and ill mouthed verminknown as Corey "Rocbottom" Davis joins me once again alongside the blogger of peace known as Alvaro "Lancedanger" Cortez in what will be our last rodeo.
On this episode we talk about the upcoming Usagi Yojimbo: Senso and the Masters of the Universe Hardcover books, The Walking Dead, the upcoming Pacific Rim comics, Sony acquiring the movie rights to Robotech and so much more! As always, stay after the credits... ;) So sit back and enjoy our last podcast. To the fans who enjoyed the podcast I want to say thank you and we're truly sorry but you have to understand, if those very vocal groups on the internet put pressure on us we must comply...
On this episode we talk about the upcoming Usagi Yojimbo: Senso and the Masters of the Universe Hardcover books, The Walking Dead, the upcoming Pacific Rim comics, Sony acquiring the movie rights to Robotech and so much more! As always, stay after the credits... ;) So sit back and enjoy our last podcast. To the fans who enjoyed the podcast I want to say thank you and we're truly sorry but you have to understand, if those very vocal groups on the internet put pressure on us we must comply...
Episode 9: "That Batgirl/Joker Cover" Discussion

Here's a special treat for our fans because we made you wait for the podcast this week, we decided to record a special episode dedicated to the now infamous Batgirl (Joker) cover. Yes... THAT cover! We discuss in depth every single aspect of this entire "controversy", from our views the difference between feminists and feminazis, rape culture, women in comics, censorship, the Comics Code Authority, a new form of rating system for comic book publishers and everything else in between. We want to be very clear about one thing though, these are OUR OPINIONS ONLY and in no way, shape or form determine how anyone else sees the situation or feel about the whole thing; these are simply the thoughts and ramblings of three close friends who happen to love reading, collecting and creating comics. So sit back, relax and start the weekend listening to the geeky goodness that is the Truthful Comics Podcast! Peace.
Episode 8: "Reinforcements Arrived!"

Here we are once again, the Truthful Comics Podcast Episode 8! This time the trinity was supposed to be complete but unfortunately my brother in arms Alvaro couldn't join us and to make matters worst, we have a special guest that for sure will ruffle a few feathers; an indy creator whose creator-owned work delves in the erotica genre and is no stranger to controversy: Rigz Jimenez!
On this episode we discuss the death of a ninja turtle, Marvel Comics canceling thirty three (33) titles, Marvel Comics announcing Civil War (Again?!?), the premiere of iZombie, the latest Flash episode, Jim Parsons wanting to be The Riddler and so much more! Our main topic will be the controversy over "that" Batgirl cover, the reaction on the people in favor and the people against it and OUR reactions. Prepare yourselves for a no holds barred discussion of epic proportions! We hope you enjoy our insanity and remember we'd love to hear your feedback!
Follow Rigz Jimenez' blog and/or see his artwork (MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY!!!) go to:
WARNING #1: If you're one of those over sensitive types, you might want to skip this episode... LOL!!!
WARNING #2: Always stay after the credits. :)
On this episode we discuss the death of a ninja turtle, Marvel Comics canceling thirty three (33) titles, Marvel Comics announcing Civil War (Again?!?), the premiere of iZombie, the latest Flash episode, Jim Parsons wanting to be The Riddler and so much more! Our main topic will be the controversy over "that" Batgirl cover, the reaction on the people in favor and the people against it and OUR reactions. Prepare yourselves for a no holds barred discussion of epic proportions! We hope you enjoy our insanity and remember we'd love to hear your feedback!
Follow Rigz Jimenez' blog and/or see his artwork (MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY!!!) go to:
WARNING #1: If you're one of those over sensitive types, you might want to skip this episode... LOL!!!
WARNING #2: Always stay after the credits. :)
Episode 7: "The Trinity Is Complete"

Here we are once again... the newest episode of the Truthful Comics Podcast is live as promised and this is a special one! First off we'd like to apologize of the sound quality, our brother Alvaro was having technical difficulties with his computer so the sound quality suffered a bit, but we still tried to bring you a quality podcast that's both insightful and fun; and I think we succeded. But this episode is extra special because for the first time the Truthful Comics Trinity is together at last on the podcast as Corey "Rocbottom" Davis makes his debut on the podcast... and he didn't disappoint!
In this episode we talk about the Batgirl (Joker Variant Cover) controversy before DC's decision to pull the cover from circulation was made, we discuss the new uniforms for Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern, we also discuss Star Wars Episodes VII, VIII and the Prequels, we also talk about Mallrats 2 being announced by Kevin Smith and much more! We also have FEEDBACK!!! So sit back, relax and enjoy the geeky goodness that is the Truthful Comics Podcast. Enjoy!
In this episode we talk about the Batgirl (Joker Variant Cover) controversy before DC's decision to pull the cover from circulation was made, we discuss the new uniforms for Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern, we also discuss Star Wars Episodes VII, VIII and the Prequels, we also talk about Mallrats 2 being announced by Kevin Smith and much more! We also have FEEDBACK!!! So sit back, relax and enjoy the geeky goodness that is the Truthful Comics Podcast. Enjoy!
Episode 6: "Better Late Than Never"

First off, we'd like to apologize to our listeners for not delivering the podcast on Wednesday like we've been doing; but circumstances beyond our control didn't allow us to fulfill our promise to you. Regardless, we recorded an extra long episode for all of you to enjoy and to forgive our transgression. We know we failed this city but please... don's send Arrow to shoot us down; it won't happen again! On this episode we talk about DC pushing the envelope with Harley and Ivy's sex scene, Valiant joining Marvel and DC on the movie front, comic book artist Norman Lee still missing, Mark Hamill back as the Trickster, we get our first look at the beautiful Melissa Benoist as Supergirl and so much more! So sit in a coney chair, get your beverage of choice and enjoy the geeky goodness that is the Truthful Comics Podcast! Enjoy!
PS. Stay after the credits. :)
PS. Stay after the credits. :)
Episode 5: "The XXL Episode"

This past week was so jam packed full of geeky goodness that we had to record not one, but TWO podcasts for your enjoyment! This time around we discuss TV and Movie news like the producers of Arrow talking about incorporating Talia al Ghul into the series, the Power/Rangers fan film being shut down by Saban, Michelle Rodriguez slamming Hollywood studios for taking white superheroes and changing their nationality or gender out of pure laziness, the death of beloved actor and geek legend Leonard Nimoy and much more! We also give you an update on what's going on at Truthful Comics and we have a few laughs along the way. So sit back, relax and "keep it Truthful" people!
Episode 4: "Who Didn't Knew She Was Bisexual?"

It is our motto to "keep it Truthful" so, like we promised every new comics Wednesday is new Truthful Comics Podcast Wednesday! As always Alvaro joins me to discuss some of the biggest and/or most important things in geekdom to us and we sprinkle in our crazy opinions on each topic. We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy recording it. On this episode we talk about the return of Joe Madureira's Battle Chasers, the Spider-Gwen phenomenon, The Joker running wild, Catwoman is "officially" bisexual and a lot more. So sit back, relax and... keep it Truthful people!
Episode 3: "That Female Is NOT Thor!"

As we promised, every new comic book Wednesday means new Truthful Comics Podcast Wednesday here at Truthful Comics and today is no exception! We have a fun show although I think this one might be a bit controversial. As you all know Manuel's two favorite characters are Thor and Miles Morales (aka Ultimate Spider-man) and they've both been heavily in the geek news lately, on this episode Manuel speaks his mind on everything that's been going on with those two characters as well as who he'd pick to play Miles Morales in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The guys also talk equality in comics, the return or Milestone Media, Constantine possibly not being cancelled, Jason Momoa's Aquaman and much more. So sit back, relax and enjoy a conversation between two good friends who happen to be geeks and are also creators in their own right.
Here's a listing of every Comic Book, Cosplay and Sci-Fi Convention of 2015:
Here's a listing of every Comic Book, Cosplay and Sci-Fi Convention of 2015:
Episode 2: "Welcome Home Spidey!"

We promised you we'd be back every new comic book day and we deliver on our word! Here it is, the second installment of our Truthful Comics Podcast! On this second episode we discuss tv shows: Arrow, The Flash, Agents of SHIELD, we talk about two brand new toy lines being revealed last week, Adrien Patilicki becoming a regular on Agents of SHIELD, Gina Carano joining the Deadpool live action movie, Spider-Man finally joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe and much more. We hope you enjoy this episode and as always, leave us your comments below; we'd love to read your feedback. Thanks!
This is the link to Norm Breyfogle's Hospital Fund if you're interested in donating:
If you'd like to donate All Ages books to our non-profit organization Comics For Christmas you can do so by mailing them to this address:
Comics For Christmas
8916 Old Ocean View Rd.
Apt. - D
Norfolk, VA 23503
This is the link to Norm Breyfogle's Hospital Fund if you're interested in donating:
If you'd like to donate All Ages books to our non-profit organization Comics For Christmas you can do so by mailing them to this address:
Comics For Christmas
8916 Old Ocean View Rd.
Apt. - D
Norfolk, VA 23503
Episode 1: "Beginnings"

We're baaaack!!! After almost two years the Truthful Comics Podcast is back and better than ever! This time a few things will be different though. First, there will be a bigger focus on actual comic books, we'll have featured guests and a few other surprises. The two main hosts are none other than our very own: Manuel A. Carmona and Alvaro Cortez Ortiz Jr. although we're trying to bring Corey into the mix. Anyhow, in the first episode the guys talk about the upcoming Daredevil show on Netflix, Constantine possibly moving to SyFy, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. bring in The Inhumans, Marvel's Secret Wars, DC Comics' Convergence and much more. We hope you enjoy it. Leave us some feedback on what you like, what you don't like or let us know how you agree or disagree with our opinions. We'd love to hear from you and who knows, maybe your comment will be read on our next episode.