![]() Happy Fourth of July, everyone! Quick update on this one-shot, The Mysterious Exorcist: Funeral. This is the second solo webcomic for Exorcist, the first being the popular "Good Night, San Juan!". This one had JUST started when I got covid. Due to the overwhelming backlog created by my health issues, I have to announce that Exorcist will have to be put on hiatus until I complete production on Clown: Rogue Assassin. Yes, Exorcist technically is the shorter story of the two, but, Clown has been postponed so much throughout the years, that I owe it to myself, and of course, owe it to the readers to finish this story first. So once I get that final page done on Clown, I will resume work on Exorcist, after that we'll see about further Exorcist stories. I actually have a few stories under my belt, and I would LOVE to do an anthology one day with various writers/artists doing their take on the character. Not a great update to make right now, personally frustrating actually, but hopefully as I recover I'll finish Clown sooner rather than later and I'll be able to tackle this story again. Thank you all so much for reading, catch you next blog! -Alvaro "Lance Danger" Cortes Jr
![]() Good afternoon, peeps! I'm here with another brief update, let's talk Clown. Alfred Gomez' Clown, Rogue Assassin is a webcomic that has really suffered due to health and time issues. And personally it's frustrating because I am SO close to being halfway through this mini series. This is the webcomic I can't wait for all of you to read in it's entirety, and the plan right now is to update it alongside the Warlord webcomic. As with Warlord, the main question is what the updating schedule would be like. One possibility is to update Warlord once a week and Clown 3 times a week, or vice versa, or maybe even have BOTH update once a week. One way or the other, I want to have this story done at the latest in early 2022. The upside is that the scripts have been done since forever, and the thumbnails too, it's a matter of carving out time actually produce the pages. But I WILL finish this! And I hope you all enjoy it, it's one of my favorite stories I've written and I hope the story will be worth it as a side story to both Warlord and Funnybone. Thank you all for reading, catch you next blog! -Alvaro "Lance Danger" Cortes Jr ![]() Hello again, everyone! Today lets talk about Never Mind. Season 1 TC Edition had run into some problems, ranging from the start of the pandemic, protests, and just general confusion and chaos. It was eventually able to finish a little later than I wanted it to, but it ended with great feedback and acceptance, and introduced a whole new audience to the oddness that is my little auto-bio strips. Of course Never Mind was always going to go on break after the first season, it's tradition that after 12 strips the comic goes on a small hiatus. In the meantime The Canon Girl would go up and once that ended, season 2 TC Edition of Never Mind would start. And then I got covid. That set things WAY behind as I am still recovering from it (even though I do not have it anymore and I am fully vaccinated, my breathing and lungs are still taking a huge beating). So, what to do? Well, I uploaded the cover for season 2, and I decided that both The Canon Girl Season 1 TC Edition will be running alongside Never Mind Season 2 TC Edition on Sundays. Once both runs end around the same time, Never Mind will enter the planned hiatus until season 2 of The Canon Girl ends hopefully in a timely manner. Never Mind is also going to expand beyond FaceBook and The Duck Webcomics, and of course, here at TC.com, theres also a Never Mind Twitter and InstaGram where season 1 will be uploaded weekly as well. Not to mention there are YouTube Videos planned as well in a Sketchbook Story Time kind of format, more info on that soon. In the meantime, thank all SO much for your support and patience, I hope you all enjoy season 2, this season actually has some of the more popular strips of the time it was originally updated, so I can't wait to revisit and redo those strips. Stay cool, catch you all next time! -Alvaro "Lance Danger" Cortes Jr ![]() Hey, everyone, as promised, here is the start of the midway 2021 updates! First off, the Warlord updates. After getting covid and a series of injuries since then, health is really what's slowed down production on this and everything, really. But the beat marches on! There are pages that are currently being worked on for the remainder of chapter 27, I am debating if I should update once a week for the time being while I get my wind back, I still won't know until I see how my body reacts to being able to work out again, since my Dr gave me the green-light to work out again. So essentially, as my health goes, the projects go. I am raring to get back to updating regularly, especially since chapter 27 is a pivotal chapter despite it's low key appearance, because it is the unofficial bridge that goes into the final chapters of book 2, Armageddon Days Part 2! The cover art and title page art for chapter 28 is actually pretty much done in advance, and I can't wait for you all to see it, it's the most EPIC cover I've EVER done! That's all for this update, thank you all for reading and for your patience while I get patched up, I will make the return worth your while! -Alvaro "Lance Danger" Cortes Jr |
May 2024