![]() On Saturday, September 9th, 2023 The Muse Writer's Center hosted the 12 Hour Comics Day. For those who might not know, the 12 Hour Comics Day is a Worldwide event dedicated to creating a 12-page short story from beginning to end in 12 hours or less. Participants can use any medium they desire but traditional media is the preferred method. Some creators take this challenge in preparation for the 24 Hour Comics Day Challenge, which is the same concept except creators are tasked with creating a 24-page comic, from beginning to end; in 24 hours or less. This year there wasn't a huge turnout but the few of us who took on the challenge had a great time doing so. There was a calm, relaxed atmosphere with good music, at some point here was Anime playing, we listened to some podcasts and we laughed quite a bit as we drew the night away. All and all I had a good time hanging out with my colleagues, hopefully more of my peers will show up for the next 12 or 24 hour comic challenge.
![]() On August 22nd, 2023 we had we had the privilege to visit St. Mary's Home and volunteer for a few hours. It was an amazing experience spending time with the kids, not only did we give them the comic books we brought for them but we actually spent time with them, playing with them. getting to know them and we even wrestle for a bit (don't worry, The Dominator took it easy on us :D! ). On top of that my brother Chauncey Dickens, host of the Do Your Speak Geek Podcast; along with his boy Dono came out to help us. The staff were really pleased with us and invited us to come back which made the day and absolute success! As of now we have two events coming up but they haven't been officially announced so stay tuned for dates and locations. |
May 2024